Objects of War

what is this website all about?

More about what is war and how we've created our approach.

Where is war to be found?

War is more that just bombs and battlefields. It's become part of our everyday life without us realizing it.

Look closer!

Gedenkstätte lindenstrasse

A bed. A LEGO sequence.                                    (Bianca Ramírez)

Can a bed be part of the history of the Cold War?


swiss chocolate

Lindt advertising poster: "As a greeting from Switzerland, the tasty Lindt" (around 1930) (Museum für Gestaltung Zürich)

Does "Swiss" Chocolate still taste this sweet if we think about its history?

Theft - Rautenstrauch Joest Museum

Shipping crates symbolising the theft from all around the world (Jakob Meyer)

The Rautenstrauch Joest Museum confronts its own past.


NS-Dokumentationszentrum of the City of Cologne. (NS-Dok)

How can a calendar sheet or a mere mural challenge our concepts of war?

Collection emil bührle

Emil Bührle among his collection (Kunsthaus Zürich)

The Kunsthaus Zürich dares to try again to exhibit Emil Bührle's controversial collection and is once again criticized.

What's your opinion on this topic? What objects of war do you know?


Comments: 1
  • #1

    Jakob (Friday, 15 December 2023 16:53)

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